Promoting faculty scholarship to a global audience by creating a more sustainable and equitable academic publishing system.

The 信誉最好的网投十大平台数字资料库




Open Access (OA) is an increasingly common end goal among academic publishing stakeholders and the benefits for Trinity authors who publish as OA are significant:

  • OA作品更容易被发现,也更常被引用, 提高了信誉最好的网投十大平台奖学金的知名度.
  • Ensuring that Trinity research is widely accessible fits with Trinity’s focus on global engagement and commitment to equity.
  • Our collective investment in sustainable academic publishing models today will ensure that tomorrow’s generation of Trinity students will continue to have access to the information they need. 
  • Open Access allows faculty to connect and collaborate with their colleagues more quickly and easily, 提高他们的有效性和学术影响. 


New! Trinity’s Library supports Open Access publishing initiatives in a variety of ways. We also subscribe to some publishers that will waive the APC for Trinity Authors. 了解更多


  • 将你的作品提交给钻石开放获取期刊. Diamond OA不要求作者付费出版, 它也不需要订阅, 从而形成一个更加公平的出版体系. 这些期刊通常是由非营利组织独立资助的, libraries, 学术的社会, 以及其他投资者. Go to and limit your search to journals that do not charge an APC to find a short list of Diamond OA publications. 


  • 在你选择的期刊上免费发表你的作品, 但要把印后(作者手稿)的副本存放在 信誉最好的网投十大平台数字资料库该网站提供信誉最好的网投十大平台以外的免费网络访问. Many journal publishers allow authors to upload a post-peer review manuscript copy of an article to their institution’s repository. Colleges and universities that have passed Open Access “policies” or “resolutions” typically promote this method of Open Access publishing. 您可以通过搜索。来查找出版商的策略 夏尔巴人/罗密欧数据库.  然后把你的作品直接提交到 数字库.


  • 将作品提交给开放获取期刊(Gold OA). Often, you will need to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish the article. Use the 夏尔巴人/罗密欧数据库 or the 开放存取期刊目录 to find reputable, peer-reviewed Open-Access publishers for your discipline.

将作品提交给混合期刊将使您的作品OA, 但这给学术机构带来了额外的开支. 许多大出版商的期刊都是混合型的, in that content within journal volumes can be either paywalled or OA depending on whether authors have paid an APC. A journal with both author-funded OA and paywalled content means the same institution can pay twice for journal articles. 这种模式是最不可持续的.

You can also try to negotiate with your journal or monograph  publisher upfront to retain your copyrights. 请从SPARC了解更多信息 用他们的 作者附录 与出版商.

Learn more

预印和. 印后:有什么区别?

  • Preprint: A preprint is the original version of the manuscript as it is submitted to a journal. 通常,这些是 .格式或排版最少的文档文件.
  • Postprint: A postprint is a manuscript that has gone through the peer review process, 但还没有经过最后的编辑, formatting, 由出版商排版. 通常,后期打印是这样的 .doc files. 有时这个版本被称为被接受的手稿版本.
  • 记录版本:记录的版本, 有时称为出版商的版本或最终版本, 是在出版商网站上发布的版本吗. It is professionally formatted and looks more professional than preprints or postprints. Himmelfarb Library links to the Versions of Record via DOIs and “Find It @ Himmelfarb” links in the catalog.

复习这篇选读书目 on Open Access and some of the inherent equity issues in the financial models currently in use, 尤其是作者付费模式.

DEI在学术传播 来自加州大学. A resource for exploring and taking action on DEI issues in scholarly publishing. 


学院出版物最近增加了 数字库

Trinity’s Institutional Repository is a digital archive that showcases and provides access to scholarly and creative works by 信誉最好的网投十大平台 community members. 库中的作品对校园内外的任何人开放, 从而增加读者群和可见度.